TGOH S03E12 – The One Where Van Updates The Blog

July 2nd, 2009

Hello listeners, it’sa me, van-io!

It’s been a long time since I last made a post here, so forgive me (or else) if I screw up the file link or anything else vaguely important. Rest assured, anything you don’t really need: I will get it RIGHT.

What happened this week? You’ll never, ever know.  Unless you read below, I guess. Curse you, obviousness!

  • Kev waxed on about his dramas with a 3G wireless broadband card that a previous user had used to subscribe to an expensive SMS service.
  • Van ionised reality with a story about a comic book artist detained at the airport for holding scripts about a character given the task by the US Gubbament to imagine the most horrifying 9/11-type terror threats possible.
  • We played another game of Guess That Theme or whatever the hell it’s called, with Van bolloxing his way through one guess, just scraping in on another, and… damn it, I can’t remember how the rest of it played out.
  • Kev forked out 10 bucks for Doom Resurrection on the iPhone, and neither of us could figure out what the hell we’re doing. Have we grown too old? Computer says shove it.
  • Wolfram Alpha and Three Wolf Moon figured heavily in this episode, and while neither really has anything to do with the other, I’m running out of patience with this damn blog post!
  • Van’s future favourite show crashed and burned, with Ron Moore’s Virtuality pilot slash telemovie grabbing a viewership equal to the number of women eager to sleep with Kirk Douglas. Good news for Kirk Douglas, not so hot for Virtuality.

Until next time, listeners!

MP3: gohs03e12_20090630.mp3

TGOH S03E11 – Name that Theme ™ – Beta

June 25th, 2009

This week Kev struggles with change as we explore the web application Evernote as a new tool of the trade.

We trial a new segment “Name that Theme!”. Sound off in the comments or let us know what you thought on twitter.

Van has a bit of a whinge about a minor feature in the iPhone that only .001% of people will ever use which doesn’t work with Google Sync. SCANDAL!

Google is planning to own your phone number… what could they have in mind?

Lucasarts may bring back the venerable adventure games of yore – Day of the Tentacle anyone?

Van insists you all watch the 12 minute preview of Ronald D Moore’s new show Virtuality. Kev wonders if it will be as good as Van says… do we give Ron the benefit of the doubt?

Geeks of Hazzard

MP3: gohs03e11_20090623.mp3

TGOH S03E10 Fairy Geek-mother

June 17th, 2009

This week on Geeks of Hazzard love is in the air as Kev talks about his recent engagement (congratulations Kev!) and introduces us all to the most romantic Computer game theme song of the 90s.

We also talk about Kev’s other love, the iPhone, with a focus on the new iPhone 3g Ass and its new operating system, iPhone OS 3.0.

Kev tries to explain the rebranding of Apple laptops to a confused Van, as well as trying to explain the Thief video game franchise.

Van introduces us to the Gagh-swilling, Batleth-wielding Mickey Rourke character “Whiplash son of Mogh” from the second Iron Man film.

Kev and Van discuss the merits of having an NSFW tag in HTML 5… without really having a clue about what they’re saying!

Kev talks about some geek cakes including an awesome Back to the Future wedding cake.

Van talks about the Time Traveler’s Wife movie with Eric Bana and Rachel McAdams.

Van enlighten’s Kev to some interesting news regarding the next Doctor Who episode. Kev kicks himself that he hadn’t come across this news on his lonesome.

Anyway, That’s it for this week!

Geeks of Hazzard

MP3: gohs03e10_20090616.mp3

TGOH S03E09 Spontaneous Burp Episode

June 4th, 2009

Holla Geekskateers!

Big week in the Geekosphere this week with much much more to come!

This week we discuss the goings on at the E3 expo in LA:

Microsoft’s ambitious and AMAZING looking Project Natal.

Peter Molyneux’s tech demo Milo.

Facebook and Twitter on Xbox?!?! True story!

Another MMO bites the dust! RIP Matrix Online.

Google Wave – Overhyped? Over-featured?

Stay tuned! This time of year is usually CRAZY for news – Apple WWDC next episode! Promise!


PS. Listen closely for Kev F-ing up the date! AWESOME STUFF!!!

MP3: gohs03e09_20090603.mp3

TGOH S03E08 The Treks of Hazzard

May 12th, 2009


Not much linkwise today! The Geeks of Hazzard pretty much spend their time talking about Star Trek, Star Trek and more Star Trek.

There’s a vague mention of some mischief regarding The Pirate Bay and their attempts to subvert the justice system through childish misuse of internet payments, but not much more beyond that!


MP3: gohs03e08_20090512.mp3

TGOH S03E07 The Pirates of Hazzard

April 27th, 2009

Ahoy Me Hearties!


This week the Geeks of Hazzard discuss the recent legal action against The Pirate Bay. The Geeks of Hazzard verdict – this ship ain’t sunk just yet!

Kev talks about his experience with a Mac Mini as a Media Centre machine, and discusses his experiences with legally obtaining media via iTunes – Riveting stuff which ties in well with an article about legal media delivery from Slate.

There is some discussion about Captchas being used for good instead of evil, and a long discussion about social media as a marketing tool and how Ford is doing it right.

MP3: gohs03e07_20090421.mp3

TGOH S03E06 Thundercats in the Dollhouse!

April 17th, 2009


Nothing makes sense anymore, does it? I struggled to find a connection between Dollhouse and Thundercats, but I love Thundercats more. Still, Dollhouse is starting to get interesting, so I may return to it for the next lame header image. Wait with bated breath!

Michael Bay signs on to fuck up Thundercats.
Bonus: A fan-made Thundercats trailer.

Van gets excited about Cowboy Bebop:
Cowboy Bebop fanmade trailer and a trailer for the Cowboy Bebop ‘Stairway to Heaven’ movie!

They talk randomly about Dollhouse – Van begs everyone to bear through the first 4 or 5 episodes, but reckons they could survive by just skipping those eps and reading the synopses for them.

Van suggests start-off anime movies and series for Kev. Series – Robotech, Patlabor (though this one is harder to get, never released the original 43 eps in the west), Movies – Akira, Ninja Scroll.

Get ready for a special anime episode of TGoH! They were vague on dates. I think a BSG marathon is coming first.

25th Anniversary TMNT Figurines!

It’s just all excitement and exclamations!!!!`1`12`12`2“`twentyone“

MP3: gohs03e05_20090414.mp3

TGOH S03E05 Taking Back Geek

April 8th, 2009

Funny how riled up people get over the whole Nerd vs. Geek issue. Forget it! Take it back, OWN the name and get over it. Whether you think you’re a nerd or a geek, the important thing to remember is that listening to Kev and Van makes you AWESOME. Show the guys some love. Leave comments, tweet them a serenade, maybe even get them drunker than a cheap date.


So yeah, links:
April Fools – Fool me once…
Fool me twice.

The product of some kind of “special” drug.

Are you 1337 enough?



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TGOH S03E04 RIP Brian the Space-Bat

April 6th, 2009


Hiya! A quick post to get an overdue TGoH ep up and running in the podosphere before we go ahead and publish this weeks ep in the next couple of days! Sorry about the delay, yo!

This Episode contained discussion of the too-good-to-be-true OnLive Service being launched at the GDC conference, a tribute to Brian the Space bat (Meme of the week!), some ill informed discussion of the Australian Internet Filter trials and the WikiLeaks arrest controversy.


(This is Slacker Fiona apologising for the delay. I bring a humble offering of this terrible header image. Yeah. I rule.)

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TGOH S03E03 Copy and Paste Insanity

March 18th, 2009

Okay guys, I haven’t heard this podcast yet, but in this episode, we may (or may not, yo dawg!) find out if a Meme of the Week is feasible. But that’s just a side salad compared to Van and Kev’s juicy musings on the new iPhone OS due to be released.

More sides:

Peace out,
Your Friendly Neighborhood How-Did-I-End-Up-A-Gamer Geek

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TGOH S03E02 They’re Back! Quick, hide the silver!

March 4th, 2009


So far, so good. Episode 2 was recorded EXACTLY one WEEK after episode 1!! This is no New Hope, this is solid Empire action here! Of course, the Evil Excuse Emperor lurks in the shadows, waiting for a moment of weakness.

Kev and Van revealed that they may have enthused over Van’s new iPhone, there may have also been some philosophical waxing. No wait, that doesn’t make sense. Or does it? *cue Twilight Zone music*

(Okay, lame. And all of you who got excited at seeing the word Twilight in the post, SHAME ON YOU! Unless of course, you are a 15 year old girl.)

Moving on.

Prepare yourself for:
* FURTHER discussion of Kim Stanley Robinson’s Mars Trilogy
* A request for Alternative History Novel suggestions from listeners! Come on! Interact!
* Star Trek: The Experience
* More Star Trek, but this time they’re talking about the new MMO. If you don’t know, you won’t care.
* and some web comics about chainsaws
* Other stuff they couldn’t be bothered mentioning to me

That’s it. Enjoy the rebel goodness.

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TGOH S03E01 – Return of the Geeks Part, um, 3? Or is it 4 now?

March 4th, 2009


Van and Kev got tired of geeking out without an audience, so they’re back, Jedi-style! Maybe. I’m not sure. I do know that they recorded sounds coming out of their mouths. It’s possible they even cracked a few jokes. It’s also possible that they made fun of everything, including the Boss of TPN, but in a lovable, almost-endearing way. Of course.

And yes, they did notice that it says PSP on this blog page. It’s a disguise. They are, how do you say, INCOGNITO. Right. One day, this blog will be fixed and this paragraph will make no sense. Awesome.

And so we present, with advance apology* and trepidation,** SEASON 3 of TEH GEEKS OF TEH HAZZARD, YAY!!!!1`11“onetwo

*It is possible, one supposes, that Van and Kev could do a podcast without offending every single culture/group/human, but evidence is lacking.

**I haven’t heard the ‘cast yet, it may be toe-curling. Buyer Beware!

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TGOH #040 – Twas the night before… Geekmas?

January 9th, 2008

RROD vs Santa

When all through the night, the boys were yammering on about all the geek-shit they were hoping to get. At least, I assume that’s what they were doing. This was supposed to go out to you guys before Christmas, but they’ve been so busy playing… um… with their toys… um, well. Here it is, the Post-Pre-Christmas Post. According to Kev, they mainly talked about 3 movie trailers:

Nick Fury appears in Hulk and Iron Man. Hopefully he does more than just appear, hopefully he brings his FURY!

Hellboy 2 trailer. There’s a hell and there’s a boy. Again. And that cool fish dude.

Duke Nukem Forever? FOREVER!
Peace Out!
Van’s Girly

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TGoH #038 – They Call Me Hadoken… I’m Down-Right-Fierce.

December 12th, 2007

Kev considers the virtues of working away from the office (hint: it’s freakin’ great)
The reviewing media hits a new low, as a Gamespot editor is fired for honesty.
Street Fighter 4 confirmed, in-game screens look a bit shit.
Ray Park is Snake Eyes in GI Joe!

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TGoH #038 – Is That a Menagerie in Your Pocket?

November 29th, 2007

Welcome to another episode recorded on the road! Tonight we caught the cinematic screening of the Star Trek: The Original Series double-episode “The Menagerie” at Cinema Nova here in Melbourne. It’s had a massive worldwide release, and we were lucky enough to get into the Melbourne screening! It was pretty damn amazing what they’ve done with it. The remastering is fantastic, and the updated effects were tasteful and really quite good. Very, very impressive stuff.

Definitely gonna have to grab the new HD season 1 box set when it comes out!

Other crap we talked about:

In other news, the Ghostbusters are back! In Pog game form!
Are you an Australian, desperately yearning to ride a Segway? This is your time!
Google Maps street view readying for Australia!
Video, GPS, Googlemaps and you. A mashup.
How does the WGA writers strike affect you? Here’s how!
Google might be feeling lucky, but it’s costing them a hot mint.

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TGoH #037 – Sex Games Po or Po’ Ex Games?

November 26th, 2007

Game of Sex

The Geeks of Hazzard s02e10 (#037) (MP3 – 17.1 mb / 0 hr 37 mins)

Van’s girly here. I’m back and I’m RAD. So rad, in fact, it is now my official GoH moniker. Yay, me! (It works, kind of. It’s got three letters!)

So yeah, Ken and Viv Kev and Van went to the Egames Expo and promised they weren’t going anywhere near the Sexpo. So they said. But while I’m positive the Stig once punched down a horse, the possibility that these two didn’t ponder the Sexpo entrance for a long 10 minutes is beyond belief. And so it goes.
Okay, the official reason they were at the Sexpo Egames Expo was to interview Mark Eliot, some dude who made an actual computer game! Fo’ shizzle! According to Van’s taped confession, it’s highly addictive. For those of you still recovering from years and years of Tetris addiction, *ahem* BEWARE!

Peace out. RAD out.

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TGoH #036 – Podcasts are so illogical

November 23rd, 2007

So Illogical

The Geeks of Hazzard s02e09 (#036) (MP3 – 25.8 mb / 0 hr 56 mins)

Even more illogical would be Van’s girlfriend doing this blog post ON THE SLY! Which is happening right now, at this very moment! Excitement abounds! Especially when you realise that I haven’t heard the podcast and I’m totally winging it here! All for the sake of you loyal listeners, waiting patiently (too patiently?), for the next episode. I see the Geeks have trained you well. All Your Base Are Belong To Us and other geeky stuff. Yeah. On to the fun links. Stop looking at me.
First look at Zachary Quinto as the young Spock
Steve Guttenberg is BACK, baby
Winona Ryder is Spock’s mum! I didn’t know!
Pacman swallows a guitar, fat end first
Tim Kring, creator of Heroes, apologies to fans for sucking
The Last Starfighter arcade machine has been recreated by a fan
Wil Wright, creator of The Sims, was a street racer
Ehgamay sexpo! – Origami Sex Po? Conveniently, an actual “Sexpo” was happening next door to the gamer nerds. This is how we got Tomb Raider, I guess.
Alone in the park trailer – Probably a game from the sexpo. Wait. What?
Trent Reznor is a pirate!
Argh! I mean, oink!
Okay, I hope you guys have the idea. Now I’m gonna go see/hear how much is right.

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TGoH #035 – Is That A Lightsabre In Your Pocket?

November 5th, 2007

A Jedi Academy in NYC? I’m afraid so kids, I’m afraid so.
A Star Trek coffin? Didn’t they pull that stunt already in Star Trek II?!
Heroes Origins cancelled! Also, this season might be shortened!
Here, have some more info about JJ Abrams’ monster movie!
The Google PC! Well, Sort of. US$200!
Check this out; an arcade cabinet with a beer keg inside!
PacMan text adventure? That’s right! If you’re under 20, you won’t get this at all!
Afterburn, the new post-apocalyptic comic from Red 5 Comics.
The scooter that also chills your beer, and your balls! Maybe. I dunno.
Steampunk PacMan arcade toy. This is cute as shit, I want it.
Joss Whedon’s new TV show, Dollhouse!
And here’s a few extras that we didn’t talk about!

Stormtrooper – aka blogger Danny Choo – dancing in Shibuya, Japan! Link 2!
Chinese kid makes his own Bumblebee model from KFC boxes!
Dude, make your own Flux Capacitor. Hell yeah.


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The Geeks of Hazzard #027 – Pregnancy and Time Travel.

July 19th, 2006

The Geeks of Hazzard #026 (MP3 – 26.2MB – 57 mins)
Listen here!

Record labels castrated themselves, thanks to Apple.
Singer wants to do Batman and Superman. Dirty boy!
Trailer for Ben Stiller’s Night at the Museum. Looks rad!
The age of the Web Hermit. Go outside? Nah.
Iron Man slated for mid-2008 release!
Check out the first 24 minutes of A Scanner Darkly!

Until next time, stop being fat pregnant bitches!  van.

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The Geeks of Hazzard #026 – My Dixie Wrecked!

July 13th, 2006

The Geeks of Hazzard #026 (MP3 – 26.5MB – 57 mins)
Listen here!

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The Geeks of Hazzard #005

January 11th, 2006

The Geeks of Hazzard #004 (MP3 – 20.1MB – 58 mins)

Listen here!

Just our luck to go to air with an episode, only to have Apple announce a whole bunch of new developments and products within hours! Well, we’ll cover that next week. In the meantime, here’s what we had a look at in this week’s shoooow.

Futurama to be revived?
Global Frequency – failed genius.
The Geek Hierachy.
Sweeney Todd movie, by Tim Burton and starring Johnny Depp!
5 year old gets tanked, mother pounces on opportunity.
Rumours about Apple – although no longer rumours!
Slight GTalk upgrade.
Optimus keyboard available in February?
Mouse sets house on fire!
Hyperspace? Prepare for Ludicrous Speed™!
married a dolphin. I dig that.
Aston Martin Rapide – the four door DB9.

Until next week, it’ll still be this week!

MP3: tpn_thegeeksofhazzard_20060110_005.mp3

The Geeks of Hazzard #004 – The Geeks of Hangover

January 4th, 2006

The Geeks of Hazzard #004 (MP3 – 24MB – 70min 30sec)

Listen here!

Our best show yet? The New York Times certainly thinks so, with senior entertainment and war correspondent Tony Danza putting in the early call that The Geeks of Hazzard may have published the greatest podcast episode in the history of podcasting. You know what, I totally lied just then.

It was actually Tony Danka.

Anyway, this week’s episode was particularly long, on account of a) it’s awesome, b) it’s still awesome, and c) we didn’t record for the last couple of weeks.

Michael J. Fox Hasbro Star Wars toys
Mario Kart Arcade cabinet and unit is yours for only US$17k!
Japanese women loooove the fart.
Platinum Grit — best comic ever? Yes, that’s right!
Knitta, please!
Rumours abound of a new Star Trek film, starring Captains Archer, Picard, and Shatner.
Google Earth, right, but for the entire freaking Sol System!
Acheron 2: It’s all over y’all.
Bubba Hotep Nosferatu, and Bobba freaking Sasquatch!

MP3: tpn_thegeeksofhazzard_20060103_004.mp3

The Geeks of Hazzard #003

December 14th, 2005

The Geeks of Hazzard #003 (MP3 – 19MB – 55min)

Listen here!

This episode is spent talking to Michael Davies, a man who is a games developer and electronic musician, but first and foremost, a Geek. That’s right, with a capital G. We also introduce a new competition! Details below!

We spend a lot of the time discussing the recently released PC, XBox and PS2 game Heroes of the Pacific, on which Michael worked (if you ever meet him be sure to mention how much the pause menu moved you 😉 ).

We touch on Lara Croft (who wouldn’t!) and the new title Tomb Raider: Legends which Michael has also had a hand in (steady on there…).

We discuss Michael’s rarely updated Everything/Nothing site 4 Bitter Guys, and also plug his music – Here. We recommend Permafrost and Through Mojave.

We offer a limited Edition Heroes of the Pacific Developers Teeshirt to the person who submits the best Artist name for Michael’s musical endeavors (as judged by Michael, so something along the lines of “Michael is hot” will probably put you in front of the pack).

Please send your suggestions to

We discuss some nostalgic games and issues:-
The Kings Quest IX controversy (also the developers page).

Anonymous Game Developers site

Find Peasant’s Quest at HomeStar Runner

Product placement… in games?

MP3: tpn_thegeeksofhazzard_20051214_003.mp3